About Me

A Collection of Ideas I’ve Found to be Useful.

I started Diane Meets World to share the things I’m most interested in and what i’ve learned about them over the years.  When I find something that sparks my interest, I love googling and researching to find the most information I can on the subject. Whether it’s planning a vacation, purchasing a new product, furnishing our home, or cooking a meal, I’d like to share what I’ve found with you.  Below are a few facts about me.

I eat gluten, dairy, and (mostly) sugar free.

For the past 6 years I have become very conscious over the food I eat. I eat gluten and dairy free all the time and try to stay away from sugar and processed foods as much as possible (but I do love bacon). When I first started eating this way, it was very difficult for me to find meals that were as easy to cook as my go-to low fat/low calorie microwave dinner. With the help of my husband (and a couple of his paleo cookbooks), I have compiled several EASY dishes that can be used in combination with each other and most do not take more than 5-10 minutes of prep time and/or 20-30 minutes to cook.

I love to shop… but also getting the most value when I spend money.

I love shopping for deals but I am becoming more interested in getting the purchase right the first time. My old habit was to buy anything on sale but I ended up with a lot of things I never used. Now, I’m learning I’d rather spend more money up front for something I know I could keep forever.  Once I find those items I do everything I can to make sure I’m buying it at the best deal possible.

I love Disney vacations.

It can be Disney World or a Disney Cruise, but no one does a better job delivering the perfect vacation.

I love to travel.

While I’ll never say no to a Disney vacation, I enjoy traveling to new places. A fear of flying kept me from exploring outside of the United States in my twenties, but now I want to see the world. Every international trip I’ve taken I’ve loved. I highly recommend Italy, France, England, and the Cayman Islands.



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